Kota Aoki

short cv

Kota Aoki received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, in 2001 and 2006, respectively, where he was an Assistant Professor with the Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratory, until 2016. He is currently a Specially Appointed Associate Professor in the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research at Osaka University. His research interests include computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition. He is a member of the IEICE, the IIEEJ, and the ITE.

academic experience

2022/01- project associate professor Kota Aoki is a Project Associate Professor in the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research at Osaka University.
2016/05-2021/12 project lecturer Kota Aoki is a Project Lecturer in the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research at Osaka University. He was first involved in the JST CREST project "Behavior Understanding based on Intention-Gait Model" for a year, and then, conducted research at the Mitsubishi Electric Collaborative Research Division for Wide-area Security Technology for two years.
2007/04-2016/04 assistant professor Kota Aoki was an Assistant Professor in the Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratory at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
2006/12-2007/03 research associate Kota Aoki was a Research Associate in the Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratory at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
2006/04-2006/11 part-time researcher Kota Aoki was a Part-Time Researcher in the Imaging Science and Engineering Laboratory at Tokyo Institute of Technology.

research interests

  • computer vision
  • image processing
  • pattern recognition